Develop Your Superpower
AMSN is at work enabling med-surg nurses to adapt their vital skills to the arena of nursing policy advocacy
Every day, med-surg nurses promote health, protect patients and save lives. Now, AMSN is at work enabling med-surg nurses to adapt their vital skills to the arena of nursing policy advocacy.
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The AMSN Legislative Action Center
Your voice is needed now to support med-surg nursing priorities as Congress works on COVID-19 relief legislation!
Your voice is needed now to support med-surg nursing priorities as Congress works on COVID-19 relief legislation! AMSN and our coalition partners at the Nursing Community Coalition have continued urging members of the House and Senate to support strong supplies of PPE and needed health care funding.
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CEO's Corner - August 2020
A Focus on Community
Whew, what a year 2020 has been. We’ve seen our worlds turned upside down and inside out. The breadth and depth of issues facing us all has been, at times, overwhelming and exhausting. Sometimes it’s too much and it’s hard to make sense of what we’re seeing, hearing and experiencing. In times of chaos, we need our community more than ever.
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