FailSafe - The Facility-Based Certification Program

If Your Nurses Are Looking to Achieve Certification, You can Help Them Get There
Are you supporting your nurses in their quest to become certified? Are you currently managing individual certification reimbursement for your nursing staff? Would you like a simplified way to manage the process and your facility’s candidates? Are some of your nurses nervous about achieving certification within a year?
If you support 10 or more nurses in achieving certification within a year, Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board (MSNCB) has a program to help both you and your nurses: The FailSafe Certification Program™.
What Is It?
The FailSafe Certification Program is innovative in that it makes getting certified easier for everyone. When developing this program, we considered every aspect of the testing process, from test stress to financial concerns, and lifted the barriers. The result is everyone wins: nurses, nurse managers, organizations and patients. A nurse gets more than one chance to pass the exam, and the facility pays when the nurse passes.
How It Works
- An employer agrees that within one year's time, a minimum of 10 of its nurses will enroll to take the certification exam to earn the Certified Medical-Surgical Registered Nurse (CMSRN®) credential.
- If the nurses pass the exam, the facility pays the exam fees.
- If the nurses are unsuccessful, they can take the exam an additional time before the contract ends.
- If the nurses pass the second time around, the facility pays.
FailSafe Portal
The Failsafe Portal is a new and improved way facilities can take charge of their facility’s FailSafe Certification Program. Your institution identifies a FailSafe administrator, who can:
- Control who takes the exam by approving or denying RNs after they have applied.
- Determine who has passed or failed and how many times they have taken the exam.
- Review previous and current invoices.
- Pay invoices directly online.
Benefits of the Program
- Better care: CMSRNs nurses provide the best nursing care to patients and families.
- Reduced test stress for your nurses: Fear of failure is eased, and confidence increases.
- Centralized management of your candidates, from registration to payment, in one easy-to-use portal.
- Financial savings: As a participant in the FailSafe Certification Program, your facility is also eligible for a reduced rate on the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) Medical-Surgical Certification Review Course On-the-Road.
Learn more about the AMSN Certification Review Course.
How to Begin
To participate, request and complete the FailSafe Certification Program Contract and submit it to the AMSN national office. The contract will be reviewed and signed. Upon execution, the contract will be returned to the designated facility FailSafe Administrator along with FailSafe Portal and candidate registration instructions.
For MSNCB to offer this program, all our processes must be cost-effective. MSNCB does not have a lawyer on staff, and so we request contracts be kept to the simple agreement.