Certification Review Course (CRC)

Are you Looking for a Way to Help Prepare Your Nurses for Certification?
AMSN provides two methods for facilities, hospitals, and health systems to offer the AMSN Med-Surg Certification Review Course (CRC) to their nurses who are preparing for certification. You can host a live Certification Review Course, either in-person or virtually, at your organization or purchase a site license that gives your nurses individual access to the Certification Review Course in our online library.
Both methods provide nurses taking the medical-surgical certification exam with the review necessary for success. The content is based on the CMSRN exam blueprint. This course is also ideal for nurses who desire a refresher course, or who are transitioning from another area into medical-surgical nursing.
The AMSN Medical-Surgical Certification Review Course includes a brief explanation of each body system, common pathological conditions, treatments and appropriate nursing assessments and interventions.
Content Outline
- CMSRN Exam Info
- Test Taking Strategies
- Fluids & Electrolytes
- Gastrointestinal System
- Respiratory System
- Hematological System
- Integumentary Systems
- Cardiovascular System & Shock
- Endocrine System & Diabetes
- Renal & Urological Systems
- Musculoskeletal & Neurologic Systems
- Pain, Cancer, Peri-Op, Nutrition
- Nursing Practice Roles
Host a Live Certification Review Course at Your Facility
This med-surg review course is designed and taught by engaging, expert med-surg nurses right at your hospital. We can offer this course in person or virtually. The content is based on the CMSRN exam blueprint. Your nurses will be well prepared to take the CMSRN Exam.
The course is a two-day event offering 14 CNE contact hours. There is no minimum or maximum number of participants for the event. If you are interested in opening this course to nurses in your community, you could recover some of your costs through registration fees that you determine. AMSN will even advertise your course on this website at no charge.
We provide coordination support for the event so that your administration time is limited, and budgeting is easy.
Purchase the Certification Review Course Site License
Facilities may purchase licenses to the AMSN Certification Review Course in the AMSN Online Library. The site license offers multiple nurses at your facility access to the online Certification Review Course at a quantity discount.
Each license gives the user unlimited access to the multimedia course content anywhere there is internet access. Access includes handouts downloadable for printing and MP3 audio files for listening. Users who complete the course and evaluation within the CE expiration date will receive the available contact hours.
If you are interested in either of these options for your staff, please contact us. AMSN staff will work with you to bring this valuable course to your organization.