Health Care Staff

Our Pledge To End Racism

In June 2020 AMSN released a statement stating our commitment to end racism, in which there were four actions AMSN committed to undertake related to acknowledgement, engagement, advancing policy and educating nurses. We pledge to do our part to end racism. We recognize that racism harms people, health care and health. As we move forward, we invite you to join us in our pledge to end racism. We invite to share your pledge with us, to engage with us in committing to do all we can do to stop racism. View the AMSN Discrimination and Violence Statement.

Take the Pledge!

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In June 2020 AMSN released a statement, in which there were four actions AMSN committed to undertake related to acknowledgement, engagement, advancing policy and educating nurses. We pledge to do our part to end racism. We recognize that racism harms people, health care and health. As we move forward, we invite you to join us in our pledge to end racism. We invite you to share your pledge with us, to engage with us in committing to do all we can do to stop racism. View

the AMSN Discrimination and Violence Statement.

Take the Pledge!

Please to submit a pledge.
Listen and hold space for everyone, especially for those that look different than me.
I am pledging to end racism in any way possible. I pledge to stand up for equal rights, to recognize and speak out against racism, and to educate myself and others.
Learning from the people who are directly affected by racism on what can be done better.
I pledge to educate myself on the roots and causes of systemic racism. I will start with myself. I will listen. I will be kind. I will face injustice and racism holding hope and vision in my heart and actions. What a time to be alive!
Mary Jean Marsh
I am pledging to end racism by educating those who have a difference in opinion of individuals of a different race than they are. Spreading love and educating others will be something that I will be dedicated to ending racism.We can all do our part if we work together.
Always treating everyone the way I want to be treated.
I will work daily to be tuned into my own unconscious bias I will learn more about the systemic racism that plagues our country. I will deliver the care I provide equally for all, recognizing all persons deserve and will get compassionate care.
human rights
I pledge to continue to treat everyone that I encounter with respect and dignity and expect the same in return.
I pledge to work to become better informed about racism by reading and discussions and to share this knowledge. I will work to uncover and address my unconscious biases. I will not shy away from difficult or uncomfortable topics of discussions related to racism and privilege. I will speak up.
Robin Hertel
I pledge to never see or judge anyone by color, culture, different beliefs nor hate, but plan to approach all in a position of listening, compassion and judgment.
I pledge to be the change I want to see by offering hope, positivity, knowledge, and advocacy.
Portia Zaire
I pledge to vote and carefully consider racism when I vote. I pledge to listen to coworkers and patients about their experiences with racism and discrimination.
I pledge to put myself in my someone else’s shoes to help me gain understanding of how a situation affects them and help me serve people better.
I pledge to be a role model for my community and be respectful towards everyone I come into contaxt with. I will not tolerate any form of racism in my presence.
I pledge to never see or judge anyone by color, culture, different beliefs nor hate, but plan to approach all in a position of listening, compassion and judgment.
I pledge to learn more about racism and to stand for those that are suffering because of others.
I will support my family and friends who experience racism in order to help them effect change. I will strive to treat every person with equal love and compassion.
Mary Steffens
I pledge to be a role model for my community and be respectful towards ALL that I come into contact with. No form of racism will be tolerated in my presence!
Deana Razo, BSN, RN
My whiteness does not serve me or anyone around me. It only seeks to divide us all based on arbitrary specifications invented by those who hold power. If I am not actively fighting against these systems of oppression, I am passively contributing to them. I fight with radical acceptance.
Speaking up in my community against injustice and volunteering & donating to existing local initiatives to combat police brutality and youth incarceration.
Katie Locke
human rights
I will support my friends, colleagues, and community that are impacted by racism. I pledge to become better informed and not shy away from the topic or difficult situations regarding racism.
Jessica Tully
I pledge to speak up when I see injustice, and I will continue to learn about systemic racism and its effects on those in my community, country, and world. I will also examine my own implicit bias and advocate to include all cultures and voices in decision-making.
Summer Bryant
I pledge to be unbiased towards all individuals no matter what their race, religion, culture or sexuality is. I will speak up to those that have prejudice remarks and educate my children on the importance of ending racism.
Have open discussion, educate myself/others and when I see something say something. It takes all of us.

Love over fear!