COVID-19 Staffing Resources

AMSN is Here to Help With Your Staffing Needs
The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses recognizes you are facing significant challenges with identifying and maintaining your workforce during the pandemic.
As a result, AMSN has developed a staffing toolkit to assist you with evaluating contingent, travel and/or float staff, manage the workforce and workload on your medical-surgical units and ensure your staff have access to basic med-surg reference material.
Access to this resource is free, you simply need to log in with your AMSN account (membership not required) or create an account.
Self-Assessment Survey - During the COVID-19 pandemic, we know many of you are attempting to supplement your current staff with new hires and contingent staff. AMSN’s self-assessment can assist you in evaluating the competence of this new workforce. It can assist you with placing them in the right clinical area and assigning them appropriate patient assignments or tasks that are based on their individual levels of practice.
AMSN is happy to provide this self-evaluation to you free of charge during the pandemic. All we ask in return is that you are willing to provide feedback to us on how the self-assessment worked for your institution or practice.
If you would like to use our self-assessment to assist you with workforce planning and assignment, please visit the button at the end of this page, and we will provide you with a survey link that you can share with your individual nurses or health care personnel. The link for the survey will allow the individual to self-evaluate their competencies and print out the results to share with HR, their educator, or their manager to assist them in appropriately assigning the staff member during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Staffing Model & Template - Included with your self-assessment survey tool is a staffing model that might help you manage your workforce and workload. AMSN has compiled a staffing plan, based on the team nursing model, to assist facilities in ensuring patient care can safely be provided, while also balancing the staffing needs of individual units and hospitals. This resource is based on the evidence available for team nursing and is offered to institutions free of charge from AMSN during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Educational Resources for Your Staff - AMSN recognizes that you are working to ensure the competence of your contingent staff or staff being deployed to other practice settings within your organization. We recognize that your contingent staff knows the basics of nursing and many of the interventions that cross specialties. To help those who will be assigned to medical-surgical on a temporary basis, we put together concise references for the types of patients clinical nurses will most likely encounter on medical-surgical units during the pandemic surge. We have called this a Medical-Surgical Nursing Pocket Reference because it has quick basics and can be viewed on any mobile device.
On-Going Evaluation of Your COVID-19 Needs- AMSN understands that your current needs may differ from what they were when the pandemic started to create its first surges in March 2020. As a follow up to the COVID-19 Poll we distributed regarding this during in the early stages of the pandemic, we want to know how you are affected currently. We would like to understand how your support needs may have changed, and how we can help to alleviate any burdens you and your organization now feel. Please take our poll to help us to continue to bring you the tools you need, when you need them, in the manner that serves you best.
This is a FREE resource provided by AMSN. Simply log in with your existing AMSN website login, or create an account now to access the toolkit. AMSN membership is not required.
Access the COVID-19 Staffing Toolkit