Self-Care Tips and Wellness During the Holidays
11 Common examples of self-care activities
Self-care is simply a variety of activities that improve your sense of well-being, good mental health and keeping emotions and stress under control.
Taking care of yourself is an important part of building your personal resilience, bouncing back from stress, trauma, and burnout.
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Guiding Your Nursing Student to a Career in Med-Surg Nursing
It's the perfect time for you to share your passion for medical-surgical nursing and encourage them build a career in our specialty.
As you work with nursing students on your patient care unit, you’re in the ideal position to notice those who have strong critical thinking skills, enjoy connecting with patients, and collaborate well with others.
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Virtual Interviews: A New Norm Post-Pandemic
Tips on how to have a successful virtual interview.
This was a change for all involved, requiring adaptation and some creativity to ensure a smooth experience.
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Why Nutrition is Key
Food insecurity is a household-level condition of uncertain or limited access to food
As medical-surgical nurses, we focus on our patients’ nutrition while they are in our patient care unit. We assess their nutritional status, track their intake, and consult nutrition support or a dietician as needed.
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The Art of Relaxation
Soothing the Soul Through the Five Senses
“There is no one way to relax, there are countless ways, but you have to try several to know which of these works best for you.” ~Brian Luke Seaward
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Teamwork: Keeping Promises, Helping Others, and Listening
There is really nothing better than teamwork!
As we come to the end of 2021, I want to thank each of you for everything you do for your patients and each other every day. No matter what setting you work in, your job has not been easy.
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