Robin's Nest - AMSN President's Message

I’m excited to return to Chicago for this year’s AMSN National Convention, the site of my first convention. I was inspired from the time of the opening ceremony until the close of the convention by the high-level sessions, networking opportunities, and wonderful posters.
I meet wonderfully talented nurses at convention and make friendships that continue despite time and distance. Each year, convention allows me to catch up with colleagues; sharing news and laughter, enjoying discussions of hot topics in nursing and the sessions we’ve attended.
It was also in Chicago that I attended a review course and took the certification exam. (I’m now preparing to re-certify for the second time!) I thought I would be anxious about taking the test but the convention sessions reinforced the learning from the review course while the networking and support from other nurses throughout the convention gave me confidence. I was so pleased after obtaining the results notifying me that I was now qualified to include the credentials CMSRN along with my title! (I still feel I stand a little taller every time I get to list those credentials.).
If I had one regret that convention, it was turning down some tickets to the Oprah Winfrey show, a show in which she gave away a car to everyone in the audience! The city is amazing though and everyone had a great time. A friend and I attended a speakeasy dinner theater, window-shopped along the Miracle Mile and walked the Navy Pier. We took our pictures in front of “The Bean” in the park and enjoyed the wonderful food the city had to offer, including Chicago style hot dogs! I would encourage anyone attending this year’s convention to have one; but a word of advice, don’t ask for ketchup, which the Chicagoans consider a rookie mistake.
I’ve attended every convention since that first one in Chicago years ago. There are always a variety of sessions addressing topics such as professionalism, leadership, and legislative issues in addition to medical-surgical topics; presented for the beginning, intermediate and advanced practitioner. This year won’t be any different! Look for sessions about self-care, resiliency, and incorporating evidence-based practices which are sure to provide excellent tools you can take back for use on your unit. Take advantage of all the networking opportunities available as well; you never know where it might lead! Perhaps, like my experience, the connections you make at convention could take you to places you had never imagined!
Look me up at convention and say hello! I can’t wait to hear your stories and thoughts on the convention as well as your experiences. Maybe we’ll have an opportunity to sit down and have a Chicago Red Hot together! I know it will be an experience filled with learning, laughter, collegiality, and fun. It will be an experience you won’t soon forget and will never regret.