Robin's Nest President's Column - February 2020

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, dedicating some time to something you love is a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday. Of course, we share the love with friends and family, but how much time to you share the love with yourself by doing something just for you? You are kind and care for others – it’s a part of who you are as a nurse. Who better to pamper for a few hours this month than yourself?
Research has demonstrated time and again that taking the time for self-care has multiple benefits including improving your physical and mental health by reducing stress. We have greater resilience and are better able at addressing stressful situations when we are feeling our best physically and emotionally. Making self-care a part of your routine is one way to prevent burnout.
Taking time out for some self-pampering conveys a strong message to others – you value yourself. So, take a stroll in the park, set aside some time when you won’t be disrupted to soak in the tub, go to a local bookstore and browse the shelves, sit in a quiet place and leisurely enjoy a cup of tea.
I can imagine that you might be thinking that you don’t have the time to drink water throughout the day, much less sit and leisurely enjoy a beverage! The good news is that time isn’t the factor here – you and what you enjoy is. Your chosen activity should be something that meaningful to you, something that you enjoy and are passionate about.
When I take the time to indulge myself, I enjoy the comforting activities above, but I am passionate about nursing. I love my role as a member of AMSN’s board of directors; our meetings fill me up because I have an opportunity to talk about nursing and what we can do to improve the practice and support our members. And I am so thankful for every one of the board members and their families. Everyone is so generous with their time and talent, often spending time in the evenings working for AMSN.
Do you have something that you are passionate about? Something that supports your values and lifts you up? I would encourage you to spend some time this month enjoying your passion. Why not make a list of things that make you feel grateful, happy, inspired or fulfilled and then find ways to incorporate them into your life?
Make it a regular habit to indulge yourself; don’t put it off for when you ‘have more time’. Invest in you – your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Commit to some time every day to do something small for yourself and then enjoy it. (Personally, I’m a big fan of letting a piece of dark chocolate melt slowly in my mouth. I enjoy the taste, the textures, and the little boost it gives me.)
I wish you all a wonderful Valentine’s day and I hope that you’ll share what you do for yourself with members by posting something on the HUB!