Who Should You Celebrate?

Everyone is familiar with most of the holidays in February, the most familiar probably being Valentine’s Day. It’s a day to let friends, family and lovers know how much they mean to us and that we are thinking of them. But did you also know that February 17 is National Random Acts of Kindness Day? Or that the 19th is National Caregivers Day?
What these multiple celebrations indicate to me is that, as nurses, we should be kinder to ourselves. As a nurse you consistently offer yourself to others through your compassion for others and dedication to the profession; sharing your knowledge, skills, and talents as well as your commitment to those in your care and, in many cases, their family members.
There’s research to support recognition for the work that you do. It’s been demonstrated that recognition can renew your passion for nursing and increase your pride in the work that you do. While this research is focused on organizations recognition of the work nurses do on a daily basis, this could also be transferred to your own recognition of the many gifts you have to offer as a nurse.
When was the last time you took the time to reflect on all the positive things you do for others? Our lives have become so fast paced that it’s easy to fail to carve out that time, even if it’s only 5 or ten minutes. I try to celebrate my life every morning upon rising. It helps ground me for the day and lifts me up. Often, it is enough to see me through those difficult days.
Oprah Winfrey has been quoted as saying, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” It seems like such an easy concept but it is so challenging to do. I prefer to use journaling and prayer along with the occasional trip through a local frozen custard shop.
Other ways to celebrate your life include the simple joy we receive from laughter. Find a funny video and enjoy a good belly laugh. Take a long bath or shower and then apply a lotion or mask that you’ve been saving for a special occasion.
Prepare or purchase your favorite meal and enjoy it with a friend or loved one. Why not go all out and light candles, use your best dishes and play your favorite music in the background.
So, celebrate National Comfy Day and National Muffin Day on the 20th by setting aside some time to slip into those comfy clothes (even if they are scrubs) and treat yourself to a muffin (even if it is a bran muffin).
Perhaps you might also enjoy some fruit on National Strawberry Day (the 27th) and follow that up with gifting yourself with some flowers and enjoying a nice nap on the 28th to celebrate National Floral Design Day and National Public Sleeping Day.
However you decide to celebrate this month, be sure to celebrate you!