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Fri, 07/31/2020 - 08:16 |
cynthia.rothenberger@alvernia.edu | |
Cindy Rothenberger |
I will strive to end racism by learning more about the impact of systemic racism, reflecting on my own implicit bias, advocating for full inclusion in all decision making, listening to experiences and perspectives of others, and speaking out when injustice and racism are present. |
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Thu, 07/30/2020 - 15:33 |
laral | |
Lara Lipski |
I will work with my colleagues, community, my children, and family to have meaningful discussions on race and ending racism on all levels. Above all, I pledge to stand up, speak out, and defend the rights of fellow citizens any time I can. |
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Thu, 07/30/2020 - 14:57 |
Anonymous | |
Jen |
I am pledging to end racism in any way possible. I pledge to stand up for equal rights, to recognize and speak out against racism, and to educate myself and others. |
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Thu, 07/30/2020 - 14:57 |
Anonymous | |
Katie Locke |
Speaking up in my community against injustice and volunteering & donating to existing local initiatives to combat police brutality and youth incarceration. |
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Thu, 07/30/2020 - 14:51 |
terri | |
Terri Hinkley |
I will do my best to recognize my own unconscious bias with every decision I make. I will consider DEI in all aspects of AMSN/MSNCB business and will ensure we dismantle any systemic bias within our organization. I will continue to speak out and be an ally. |