AMSN Full Member Dues

AMSN is no stranger to the current economic climate, and we understand that you face tough financial decisions just as we do. AMSN Membership dues will be increasing to $99 as of January 1, 2023. This member dues increase will not affect the New to Practice Membership.
Your AMSN membership will continue to bring valuable resources and tools for a fraction of the price. And we are happy to announce that starting 1/1/2023 all AMSN Members will have FREE access to CINAHL and MEDLINE databases ($120 value).
And of course, you will receive these great member benefits:
- 15+ FREE contact hours a year ($240 value)
- FREE Monthly webinars ($360 value)
- FREE access to CINAHL and MEDLINE ($120 value)
- Access to The Pulse, AMSN’s member-exclusive online community
- Discounts on AMSN products and events
AMSN will continue to work tirelessly to bring you new and innovative content in 2023. Our members are the driving force behind everything we do.
Thank you for being a part of our community of amazing medical-surgical nurses.
Questions? Contact AMSN at or 866-877-2676.