CEO's Corner - August 2020

Whew, what a year 2020 has been. We’ve seen our worlds turned upside down and inside out. The breadth and depth of issues facing us all has been, at times, overwhelming and exhausting. Sometimes it’s too much and it’s hard to make sense of what we’re seeing, hearing and experiencing. In times of chaos, we need our community more than ever.
Here’s a rundown of our ongoing efforts to ensure you can stay connected with us and each other. As always, please feel free to reach out with your feedback or suggestions.
AMSN recently launched our new website, we hope you’re all loving the look and feel. We will continue to build out functionality and content, so please be sure to check back frequently. Also, be sure to log in on the website so you see the content that is applicable to your membership.
AMSN Convention. You’ve likely seen the news that we have made the difficult but necessary decision to hold our convention fully virtually this year. While we won’t be able to get together in Las Vegas, we will be able to connect and network virtually while having access to 55 contact hours for full convention registrants. We look forward to getting together with you Oct 22-25/20 virtually! You can register here.
AMSN Connect is AMSN’s member app, launching in mid-August. We cannot wait to bring you a platform to interact, connect and build your community with fellow AMSN members. You can access all of AMSN’s content, such as our podcasts, videos, blogs and online communities right from the app. Further, you can follow fellow members, have direct conversations and share updates. We are really excited to provide this forum for you to engage with each other.
We have promised that more would follow on our commitment to battle racism. We are excited to release our global pledge “AMSN’s Pledge to End Racism” and encourage you to visit and join our pledge.
We have released our digital badges for certificants. If you’re a CMSRN, please see the “Certification News” section of the August Connections newsletter for instructions on accessing your badge. You can link the digital badge to your social media channels, share it with your employer and you can print your certificate right from your secure digital badge account.
We still have more to come this year, we have two new educational programs launching, both of which will be certificate programs, which will demonstrate your knowledge in the course topic. We’ll also be launching our med-surg competency framework, which you’ll be able to use as an individual or within your practice setting to measure your competency in the areas important for med-surg nurses.
It’s been a busy year for AMSN and we remain committed to ensuring AMSN brings products and services that you need. It’s been a tough year and AMSN is here for you. We will continue to work tirelessly to bring you the tools you need to build community with your fellow med-surg nurses.