CEO's Corner - September 2020

Like many things disrupted by COVID-19 in 2020, AMSN’s annual convention will no longer be an in-person event in Las Vegas, but rather a virtual event where you can attend from the comfort and safety of your own home.
We know you were looking forward to getting together with your friends, old and new, and coming together as a community. We were, too. The National Office staff treasure our convention as the one time each year we can get together with our members and certificants to enjoy each other’s company. Even though we will not be able to be together in person, we are excited to tell you about some of the phenomenal things associated with this year’s convention.
First, the platform that we’ll be using for convention is really user friendly and allows for good engagement and networking. Some of the key features include:
- The digital platform resides in the Online Library, so it’s in a user-friendly and familiar location for many members.
- During each session there will be a text chat functionality where you can talk with your fellow attendees or ask questions of the presenter(s).
- There will be time during the convention dedicated to connecting with your colleagues.
- We will have contests and games, like our in-person convention, and the opportunity to win amazing prizes.
- We will still have an exhibit hall; it will just be virtual. Visit our exhibitors to learn about their products and services.
- A PDF of the presentations will be made available, if the speakers provided them, and can be accessed before, during, and after the live sessions. There is also an area where you can take notes during the sessions and they will be saved and emailed to you after the session ends.
- We have over 30 posters at convention this year, and many will include a video explanation of the poster. We’ll be holding our poster contest, too!
Second, for the first time ever, your complete convention package registration includes access to the contact hours for every single session at convention. In the past, we provided you with a ceiling of contact hours based on the number of educational sessions offered during the convention.
While you could access all the educational content after the convention, the contact hours for those sessions were an additional charge. We have decided that going forward, your complete registration will include access to those contact hours.
Your complete registration this year includes an amazing 55 contact hours! If you are certified or need CNE for your license renewal and you register for the Complete Convention Package, you will gain most, if not all, of the hours you require by attending AMSN’s 2020 convention!
Lastly, we know that many hospitals have cut back on their educational support in 2020, so we’ve built more contact hour pricing packages than we’ve ever had in the past to meet your educational and budgetary needs.
Further, we implemented a more robust group registration option, where the discounts for registration increase as you have more registrants. Please share this news with your educator, manager, or director, and take advantage of this deal.
More information on these pricing options is available on our convention website.
We can’t wait to connect with you at convention, please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have!