AMSN Supports Allocating COVID-19 Vaccines Wisely

COVID-19 vaccines should be allocated first to health care professionals and support personnel close to patients and at risk of catching the novel coronavirus disease, AMSN wrote Sept. 4 to the National Academy of Science in response to its draft framework on mass vaccination processes.
AMSN’s letter added that government and industry should make use of national nursing organizations like AMSN to disseminate evidence-based guidance on COVID-19 vaccination.
AMSN also expressed concern that U.S. planning in isolation from global vaccination efforts posed risks to Americans, as the virus does not respect international borders.
Vaccination and public information should also be conducted mindful of the legacy of racism on U.S. health care and health, noting people of color in the U.S. have borne a disproportionate share of COVID-19 infection and mortality.