Convention is Upon Us!

AMSN’s annual convention is in just a few short weeks in San Antonio, Texas (September 29-October 2). It is so exciting to think about being together for the first time in over two years after having virtual conventions in 2020 and 2021.
The convention center is located very near the River Walk, and the hotel is just a short walk away. I hear the weather in Texas at the end of September is gorgeous and temperate. There are dozens of restaurants within walking distance along with shopping and cultural and historical venues such as The Alamo. I am really looking forward to sharing these activities with my AMSN friends and colleagues.
Recently, I was reflecting on AMSN’s tagline: Compassion, Commitment, & Connection. Convention is always when I see our tagline come to life. Medical-surgical nurses display compassion every day, and it doesn’t stop during convention.
For example, we let each other in line to get that cup of coffee or a boxed lunch, but more importantly, we display compassion to one another by sharing our knowledge through podium and poster presentations. Sharing leading practices and ideas helps all of us by infusing innovation and providing a roadmap for change.
I know I have taken ideas I’ve discovered during conferences back to my workplace and found ways to change our current practices to improve patient care or enhance my work environment.
Did you know many of our convention attendees are newer to the nursing profession, and it is often the first time they have attended an AMSN convention?
I believe after attending their first convention, these medical-surgical nurses are much more committed to our nursing specialty. In addition to many newcomers, we have medical-surgical nurses that have attended convention for years, and each year, their commitment to our nursing specialty is renewed after spending time together with their peers.
Convention is also a great time to get more involved in AMSN and commit to one of our many volunteer opportunities. You can explore our committees and task forces and talk to Board members to find out how you can serve as an AMSN Board of Directors member in the future.
During the four days we are together, we make new connections, and reconnect with friends and colleagues we haven’t seen in a while. Throughout the convention, I see the connections strengthen among colleagues that have traveled together and do not normally spend much time with one another outside of their work hours.
I see new and experienced nurses alike connect to the content presented during the sessions and brainstorm for ways to implement what they have learned within their own workplace. Most importantly, I think the convention allows medical-surgical nurses to re-connect with our profession.
Convention gives us a chance to take a break from caring for patients every day and to take care of ourselves by learning something new or validating our knowledge base.
There is still time for you to register and attend the 31st Annual AMSN Convention. We would love to see you there as we renew our Compassion, Commitment, and Connection to medical-surgical nursing together!
PS... Want to see how much fun we had in 2019? Have a look! Can't wait to see you there!