A Look Back on the First AMSN Digital Convention

Well, that was certainly one of the best conferences I have ever attended. Yes, I am talking about the virtual 29th Annual AMSN Convention. And yes, I am somewhat prejudiced as I served as the program planning committee chair.
If you did not get to attend, I am so sorry. We had four days of great speakers, fun moments, and opportunities to connect with nurses across the United States and even internationally. Being virtual, I did not expect it to meet our usual standards, but it went far beyond my expectations.
I would like to thank the AMSN Board Members, AMSN staff, and the support staff from Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. for making it seamless from beginning to end. And, we need to thank Digitell for providing us with such an amazing digital platform and tremendous user support throughout the convention! The platform allowed participants to connect via the chat room during the sessions, as well as on a social forum where individuals could post pictures and share. The chat rooms during the session were so energetic!
Individuals not only shared their thoughts about what the speaker was sharing, but also told what they were doing at their facility. Many made connections that they will keep even though the convention is over - and connection is the key to any great convention.
Through the chats, I quickly learned the broad range of participants present and how they felt their needs were being met. Any person - from the student nurse to the doctorally-prepared nurse educator or nursing leader - found content and ideas that addressed their practice. I noticed several nursing students actively engaged in the chat rooms sharing and asking questions.
During the final general session, several students thanked nurses for supporting them by answering their questions. As for nurses at the bedside, they appreciated the content and the ideas they received from their peers about how they had implemented new evidence-based practices in the workplace.
Nurse leaders shared their experiences and gained insights from their peers in presentations that focused on management issues. And nursing faculty gained new knowledge to incorporate in their courses.
In addition to volunteering for AMSN, I am a faculty member for two nursing schools, and also teach review courses for nurses. Through the presentations, I learned about the importance of self-care (nursing has one of the highest rates of suicide, which I learned from another convention presentation), and how COVID-19 has changed the way we practice. From the chats, I learned about the use of new treatments for pain management and how the pandemic has really affected individual nurses. I left the conference exhausted but excited to share the great information I had obtained – AND I had gained 18.25 contact hours of continuing education.
Maybe you have never had a desire to attend a national nursing convention or conference, but I would encourage you to consider it. Every nursing conference I have attended (and I have attended more than 20), has provided me with new information, included opportunities to connect with other nursing professionals, and re-infused my soul with the joy of being a nurse.
Maybe you have not attended a nursing conference because you can not afford it right now. As a member of AMSN, you can apply for one of AMSN’s Convention Scholarships. The scholarship pays for the cost of the convention and a $550 stipend to help with travel and lodging.
I would love to meet you at the 2021 AMSN Convention whether you join us in Orlando or decide to participate virtually. (Yes, we’re offering virtual and in-person options – and two years to complete your contact hours!).
Also, if you attended the 2020 convention, you are entitled to a $499 2021 AMSN Convention price (the lowest we’ll ever offer for 2021). Non-members who attended the 2020 convention can get the 2021 Convention for just $599. This offer is good until November 30, 2020. Visit here to get all the details!
We sure hope you will consider joining us next year; see you in 2021!