Thankful for Med-Surg Nurses

CEO's Corner - November 2021
I love fall. It’s my favorite season. I love watching the leaves change. When I lived in Canada, the fall colors were amazing.
Now that I’m in the US, I don’t see the same colors I did before, but the ones that I do see bring me joy. I spent the weekend in New Hampshire visiting my daughter at university. It was amazing to see the rich, deep fall colors as the leaves prepare to fall and the trees to sleep until next spring, when they’ll magically sprout new leaves and start the cycle again.
As we head into November, I started thinking about all I am thankful for. I have a family that means the world to me, a job that I love, and a community of med-surg nurses that I proudly serve.
You are all the reason AMSN exists. We are here to amplify your collective voice and bring you the education, products, and services you need. As I think back on the last year, you’ve needed more support than ever, and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to provide that support.
November 1-7 is Med-Surg Nurses’ Week, so AMSN has a week of activities and celebrations planned.
But wait, there’s more! Because it’s our 30th anniversary this year and given all that’s happened over the last two years, we’ve decided to celebrate you all month long. We can’t wait to celebrate with education, prizes, drawings, etc. to demonstrate how much you matter, and how special you are!
Here’s just some of the activities we have planned:
- Free contact hours in the online library
- Fit Fridays: join us for yoga every Friday
- Wednesday Wine-downs: play our social media games to win wine or snack baskets
- Free Membership Mondays: each Monday in November you can play along on social media to win a year’s membership to AMSN
- Submit you Med-Surg Spark: send in your video telling us what your spark for med-surg was
- 30% off in the AMSN store all month long, and don’t forget, we now have CMSRN swag to for those of you that are certified!
Thank you for all you do, every day. It’s our pleasure to celebrate you all month long.
Happy Med-Surg Nurses’ Week from all of us at AMSN!
Join in the fun, and celebrate with us all month long. Visit the Medical-Surgical Nurses Week page and see the full schedule of events!